Thanks for
attending the
IACI congress!
Oct 2-6 2024
20th Meeting of the International Association for Craniofacial Identification
Important dates
Abstract Submission
30 April, 14 May, 2024
Acceptance Notification
13 May, 28 May, 2024
End of early bird registration
19 July, 31 July, 2024
End of regular registration
16 September, 2024
Conference Dates
2-6 October, 2024
A 5-day-congress
Days of workshops
Five different workshops will be held on Wednesday and Thursday, both in the morning and in the afternoon, with practical hands-on sessions. Lunch and coffee breaks will be included.
Days of presentations
On Friday and Saturday there will be time for oral and poster presentations of all delegates (previous abstract submission and approval). In addition, there will be five plenary speakers, a discussion round table, and some surprises we are working on. Lunch and coffee breaks will be included.
Day of discovering Granada
On Sunday you can discover the city of Granada with us. We will visit the cathedral, the royal chapel and the Alhambra together with a professional guide.
Guided Lab Tour
On Thursday afternoon you can join a guided tour that visits the University of Granada specifically the impressive osteology collection of the anthropology lab, the AI labs and the 3D scanning facilities.
Welcome Cocktail
Join us for a welcome cocktail on Thursday after the registration. Try local wine and typical Spanish tapas!
IACI dinner
On Saturday evening we will all go together for dinner. It will not be the only occasion but it will be a good moment to get to know each other better and have some fun.
The city of Granada
Granada is a city in the South of Spain, belonging to the region known as Andalusia. The capital of Granada (including closely surronding villages) has approximately 500.000 habitants.
The congress will take place on the campus of the University of Granada.

The organizing commitee
Dr. Sergio Damas
University of Granada
Dr. Óscar Ibañez
University of A Coruña and Panacea
Dra. Inmaculada Alemán
University of Granada
Dr. Enrique Bermejo
Panacea Cooperative Research
Rosario Guerra
Panacea Cooperative Research
Dr. Rubén Martos
University of Granada