Discover Granada
“Every city has its own charm, but Granada has its own and that of the rest.” – Antonio Machado, Spanish poet.

A cross-roads of civilizations
If there is a city that truly evokes the essence of Spain, that city is Granada. A cross-roads of civilizations since time immemorial and in an unparalleled location, Granada is a vibrant, friendly and lively metropolis that is full of culture. The Alhambra, the flagship of the city’s vast historical heritage, stands on a hilltop overlooking a city that attracts around three million visitors every year.
History of Granada
Granada was a kingdom, capital of the province, the last Muslim kingdom in the history of Spain before being conquered by the Catholic Monarchs on January 2, 1492 after almost eight centuries of Muslim history. The same year that the Americas were discovered. The Catholic Kings and Colon held several meetings, but the last one was made in Granada, a financial agreement was reached and the number of boats and men was decided to cross the Atlantic Ocean and open Spain to The New World.
The city with the most Muslim past, whose footprints still remain in the Alhambra. And also an important Christian history, whose footprints still remain in emblematic buildings of the city: The Cathedral; The first Renaissance Cathedral in Spain, characterized by its luminosity and its enormous whiteness, work of the Catholic Monarchs and designed to symbolize the triumph of Christianity over Islam. The Royal Chapel; place of burial of the Catholic Kings, who in love with the city and consider it as a symbol of his reign, wanted to be buried in our city.